Bodie State Park: Headstone Restoration
Stonesculpt completed this marble headstone restoration for Bodie State Park in October 2011. The marble headstone restored in this project belongs to Solomon G. Stebbings, who died in 1881. It is located in the Masonic section of the cemetery in Bodie, California. In the late 1800s, Bodie was a booming mining town. However, it declined in the early 1900s as the gold was depleted, and it was abandoned in 1932. Today, the ghost town is open to the public as part of the California State Park system.
The restoration of this headstone was part of a larger effort by the Park Service to restore many of the memorial stones in the Bodie cemetery. The stones have been damaged by wind, weather, and vandalism. On this particular stone, two large pieces were broken from the top. One of the pieces was replaced previously. However, the second piece is missing, and was patched using Jahn M110. The focus of this project was to replace the patch with a piece of marble carved to replicate the missing lettering and Masonic symbols.
Previous Jahn M110 patches and pins were removed from the area to be replaced. A new piece of Carrara marble was cut to the shape of missing fragment. The surface of the existing and replacement stones were then scored to provide a mechanical key. Holes were also drilled for new stainless steel pins.
The layout for the missing lettering and part of the masonic emblem were designed on site, then traced onto the replacement stone. The stone was carved using traditional chisels with hand and pneumatic hammers.
Stainless steel pins were first installed into the existing stone. The carved replacement stone was then installed using solid base epoxy.
Crushed marble was used as aggregate for a custom composite patching mortar to match the stone in color and texture. The space around the replacement stone was patched and sculpted to match the design.